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ADD4KIDS project will create a innovation action plan in paediatrics to ensure optimal implementation and utilisation of demand-driven innovation financing instruments to support the adoption of paediatric innovation in a coordinated manner across Europe.


Cohere I4kids
The project will develop a holistic action plan to stimulate the use of demand-driven financing instruments in paediatrics. This plan will support the adoption of innovations that address unmet clinical needs in a coordinated way across Europe. By reducing the uncertainty and risk associated with paediatric innovation and fostering synergies with existing initiatives, it will ensure maximum uptake across Member States. This approach will increase competitiveness and optimise the innovation potential of the European paediatric sector. 

ADD4KIDS is a 12-month EU funded project that aims to optimise the use of demand-driven funding instruments such as Procurement of Innovation (PPI) and ValueBased Procurement (VBP) to tackle the barriers that hinder the uptake of paediatric innovations across the whole of Europe.


To bring innovative solutions to all children and health systems, disparities between EU countries in paediatric innovation adoption must be dissipated. All countries should be facilitators of all the paediatric innovation potential that resides in their ecosystem. This will be achieved only if cross-border, inclusive networks and demand-driven financing initiatives are promoted. 

 ADD4KIDS’ main objective is to create a holistic paediatric innovation action plan to ensure optimal adoption of demand-driven financing instruments and vehicles for paediatric innovation across Europe, collaborating with all principal actors of the ecosystem to create multi-stakeholder action plan to ultimately impact children’s health and well-being. 

ADD4KIDS can be instrumental to enable widespread access to paediatric innovations and contribute to the health and wellbeing of children across Europe and beyond. Our vision is to correct the mismatch between the availability of novel, patient-centric paediatric innovations and the adoption of these within healthcare systems to reach clinicians and patients, as well as reduce the innovation adoption gap that is so prevalent in paediatric healthcare. 

Objetivos Add 4 Kids


current demand-driven financing instruments and mechanisms for the adoption of paediatric innovative solutions.


on the needs and challenges in the adoption of paediatric innovation faced by different ecosystem stakeholders.


best-practices and specific characteristics that must be taken into account when designing innovative financing instruments for paediatric healthcare innovations.


working groups of diverse stakeholders to ideate solutions that address the needs, challenges and adhere to defined characteristics.


a European action plan to fast-track the adoption of paediatric innovation solutions using existing and new demand-driven instruments within an interconnected paediatric innovation ecosystem.


The ADD4KIDS consortium brings together a multidisciplinary group of eight partners from across Europe:
i4kids Sant Joan de Deu Barcelona
Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu – Fundació Sant Joan de Déu (FSJD-CERCA) acts as the coordinator of ADD4KIDS. Its mission is to contribute to the improvement of the health and wellbeing of people by fostering, supporting and managing the research and innovation activities of Barcelona Children’s Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (HSJD, affiliated entity to FSJD-CERCA in the project) and other linked organisations. FSJD-CERCA currently participates in 28 EU-funded research projects, coordinating 8 of them.
Sant Joan de Deu Childrens
Barcelona Children’s Hospital Sant Joan de Déu HSJD is the largest and the most renowned children’s hospital in Spain and one of the most recognized of its category across Europe, being ranked as the third European medical centre of its kind by volume of activity. HSJD is the leader of the i4KIDS initiative. As a university hospital, HSJD represents patients, health care professionals and research within the scope of paediatric innovation.
Eit Health Logo
EIT Health (Institute of Innovation and Technology) is the largest European Network in the field of innovation and health based on pillars of education, business creation and research. As a partner in the project, it is uniquely positioned to promote the adoption of innovative strategies and mindsets in paediatric healthcare professionals and stakeholders throughout Europe, with previous publications in the optimisation of innovation pathways, as well as paths to European harmonisation in healthcare. EIT Health’s network includes more than 150 world-class partner organisations across Europe. It has regional innovation hubs located throughout Europe that are closely interconnected. Its participation in the consortium will be fundamental to co-create a European Action Plan for fast-tracking the adoption of innovation in paediatric. Leveraging of its experience in supporting programmes from the education, innovation and business acceleration pillar and provide support to the dissemination, communication and extending the reach throughout its network.
The Children’s Memorial Health Institute (IPCZD) is the largest and best-equipped institute of paediatric healthcare in Poland, also serving as one of the leading teaching hospitals. IPCZD has participated in EPTRI, a project that proposed novel developmental models for a future research infrastructure in paediatric medicines, and ECHO, which offers community-based healthcare providers with access to evidence-based knowledge and an interprofessional network. Thus, IPCZD has experience in identifying the needs and challenges associated with paediatric healthcare and leveraging collective groups to ideate solutions.



Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS) is a public entity of the Catalan Department of Health whose primary mission is to generate scientific and relevant knowledge to contribute to the improvement of the quality, safety, and sustainability of the healthcare system by facilitating the decision-making process. AQuAS Innovation Area coordinates and participates in national and international projects that promote innovation adoption across the different levels of the Catalan health system. In this area AQuAS is also actively boosting the deployment of instruments of innovation adoption as Public Procurement of Innovation, Pre-Commercial Procurement instruments and Social Impact Bonds. One of the key methodologies employed by AQuAS is the involvement of people and ecosystem stakeholders in its processes, which will be brought forth in ADD4Kids to maximise the impact of results.
Sciensano logo
SCIENSANO is the national Institute of Public Health of Belgium and the central federal institution for public health research. SCIENSANO supports national initiatives in food security, medicine quality testing including vaccines, biosafety assessment, and quality assessment of laboratories (both medical as microbial). With respect to personalized medicine and cancer in particular for pediatrics, SCIENSANO hosts the Cancer Centre, the national body for monitoring and evaluating the national cancer policy. The Cancer Centre leads a national initiative on bringing innovative molecular diagnostics to patients in close collaboration with all involved health professionals, the governmental responsible and the cancer registry.
BKUS (Latvia) SLLC “Children's Clinical University Hospital” Logo
The European Children’s Hospitals Organisation (ECHO) is the only pan-European organisation representing children’s hospitals. With a broad geographic reach, ECHO members include leaders in research, innovation, and care of children and young people with complex conditions from across the continent and Israel. ECHO is built on collaboration and is experienced in bringing members and other stakeholders together to work on common challenges.
Inveniam Logo
Inveniam Group is a consultancy focused on bridging the gap between innovation and the market, with sectoral focus in life sciences and sustainability. Inveniam supports actors during the technology transfer process, working closely to appropriately select specific technologies from their portfolios, based on the technologies’ applications, value proposition, likelihood of success and market potential. It has worked on several projects to support the creation of regional hubs and ecosystems in Europe and South America. Furthermore, Inveniam has participated in 6 European projects, 3 CSAs, coordinating 1, while also authoring a European Commission report on Non-Participation of ICT SMEs in European Research Programmes.
With the support of:
This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme under grant agreement No 101096505.

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